Meet us at the 6th Annual Medicare Advantage Leadership Innovations Summit

JAN 24-26, 2023 | BOOTH #8

Drive Co-ordinated Convergence using Digital Technology Solutions

Booth #8 | JAN 24 – JAN 26, 2023 | Renaissance Phoenix Glendale Hotel & Spa, Arizona


We will be showcasing our digital technology solutions that can help drive convergence across the Health Plan enterprise. We look forward to meeting with you to discuss your plans on improving clinical outcomes, boosting star ratings, enhancing member experience.

Learn how leading Health plans have derived value from our specialized products and services across the payer value chain continuum.

Schedule a 1:1 Meeting


Health Plan Customers

3 Out of 5

National Plans are our Customers


Blue Plans Leverage our Solutions

Solutions to

Services around

Cloud & Mobile Capabilities

Payer provider data convergence

Vertical integrations and new partnerships require integration with health systems via EHRs, SDoH, and other data sources like PBMs, digital health and RPM.

Supply Chain Management

Omni channel member experience

Our digital front door framework defines omnichannel member experience aimed towards using a variety of proven technologies and solutions.

Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Payer core modernization

Digital re-architecting of payer technology solutions by leveraging next-gen product engineering capabilities

Support Operations & Serviceability

Quality & VBC Analytics

Stay focused on the right cohort for prioritized gap closures and leverage AI/ML based Stars performance projections for continuous improvement

Cloud & Mobile Capabilities

Payer provider data convergence

Vertical integrations and new partnerships require integration with health systems via EHRs, SDoH, and other data sources like PBMs, digital health and RPM.

Supply Chain Management

Omni channel member experience

Our digital front door framework defines omnichannel member experience aimed towards using a variety of proven technologies and solutions.

Analytics & Artificial Intelligence

Payer core modernization

Digital re-architecting of payer technology solutions by leveraging next-gen product engineering capabilities

Support Operations & Serviceability

Quality & VBC Analytics

Stay focused on the right cohort for prioritized gap closures and leverage AI/ML based Stars performance projections for continuous improvement


CMS Medicare Advantage
2023 Star Ratings

A Comprehensive market analysis of CMS MA 2023 Star Ratings to uncover insights and upcoming industry shifts that are likely to shape future Stars strategies


Download Report

Meet Our Experts

Ray Evans-1

Asst. Vice President - Product Management, CitiusTech


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Denise Adamson-1

Asst. Vice President - Product Management, CitiusTech


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Aruna Prabhakaran

Asst. Vice President -
Health Plans, CitiusTech


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Ray Evans-1

Asst. Vice President - Product Management, CitiusTech


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Denise Adamson-1

Asst. Vice President - Product Management, CitiusTech


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Aruna Prabhakaran

Asst. Vice President -
Health Plans, CitiusTech


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