

Transforming patient care journey with traditional and generative AI

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In this paper, we explain AI's diverse applications throughout the patient care journey while carefully distinguishing between GenAI and other AI technologies.

AI is a broad term that covers various technologies—with Generative AI (GenAI) emerging as a promising entrant. GenAI, with its transformative capabilities in data synthesis, scenario exploration, and adaptive problem-solving, holds the key to reshaping healthcare. Nonetheless, GenAI is still nascent and confronts several challenges that warrant attention. To take advantage of this AI-fication of healthcare and prevent misapplication of functionalities, enterprises need to be clear on the distinction between GenAI and traditional AI technologies. 

The paper covers:

  • The role of AI in transforming Healthcare
  • Technologies driving AI's adoption in Healthcare, including GANs, LLMs, and various AI models.
  • Traditional AI vs. generative AI: Understanding the capabilities and differences.
  • Challenges and opportunities in GenAI