Executive brief by AWS and CitiusTech in association with HIMSS

Enterprise imaging beyond radiology:
Developing a modern medical imaging strategy​

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The need for a strategy around
medical imaging as one clinical tool​

A typical hospital's radiology services account for 40% to 60% of medical images, but specialties like cardiology, orthopedics, and dermatology also require access to these images. Although medical images are a key clinical tool for multiple disciplines, they remain largely unintegrated into hospital EMR systems, imposing a challenge for physicians outside the hospital to access them.​

Moving medical images and related informatics to cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS) can give a better picture of patients health and yield valuable insights, but healthcare organizations must have a well-defined strategy in place before adopting the cloud.

Executive brief by:​



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Key Benefits of Cloud Migration​

Product Development & Legacy Modernization

precision medicine

Supply Chain Management

Streamlining clinical workflows
by reducing ​manual work

Digital Health Experience

Improving staff experiences and
attracting new physicians with digital tools

Product Development & Legacy Modernization

precision medicine

Supply Chain Management

Streamlining clinical workflows
by reducing ​manual work

Digital Health Experience

Improving staff experiences and
attracting new physicians with digital tools

More from the author​

“Before your move to the cloud, you need to know what you want from your cloud service and how the cloud provider will ingest, store, and make accessible your clinical images and the associated data. You need to know what services are provided beyond migration and storage to help you manage the data in both the short and long term.”

More from the author​

“Before your move to the cloud, you need to know what you want from your cloud service and how the cloud provider will ingest, store, and make accessible your clinical images and the associated data. You need to know what services are provided beyond migration and storage to help you manage the data in both the short and long term.”

Driving unmatched quality of care with intelligent imaging solutions

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